Start-up factory – Pre-acceleration program
About this good practice
Resources needed
Total budget for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019: app. 544.000€ (4,000,000.00 HRK)
- app. 445.200€ (3,330,000.00 HRK) grants for start-ups (no equity)
- app. 98,000 € (735,000 HRK) for external services (mentoring start-ups, etc.)
Evidence of success
Some of the Startup Factory alumni acquired investments:
•HUBBIG, logistics, EUR 368,000
•OmoLab, app for individuals with reading difficulties/dyslexia, EUR 261,000
•Modulos, innovative sustainable furniture, EUR 52,000
Out of 99 companies in the incubation programme, 21 have a prototype. Some of these companies are Startup Factory teams: Wingo, a smart table with integrated heating is a great solution for winter terraces; Modulos, the first truly modular desk system; Visiobike Carbono,
Potential for learning or transfer
Large number of corporate partners/companies have supported Programme's implementation, both financially and through provision of services (e.g. Erste Bank, Croatian Telecom, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, PricewaterhouseCoopers, IBM and Algebra). With the funding assistance through Start-up Factory Zagreb, ZICER has presented its work at the largest European Technology Conference - Lisbon Summit. ZICER was put on the European Map of the Leading Technology Development Centres, consequently securing the participation for additional six companies from the Technological Park. These companies achieved significant benefits through cooperation with foreign partners.
In addition to direct beneficiaries, many others had indirect benefits through participation in open part of the Programme (workshops and lectures). This included wider community of ZICERs, as well as the interested public who had the opportunity to learn from renowned domestic and foreign experts.