Creating a smarter Europe means promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
Our programme helps local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better regional development policies in this field.
We create opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues, for exchanging good practices and for policy learning via our two pillars: our interregional cooperation projects and our Policy Learning Platform.
Scroll below to capitalise on the knowledge they've gained, take part in upcoming capacity building opportunities or apply for your own project proposal.
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Projects and project ideas
Get inspired by our approved projects or explore one of these SMART project ideas. Then, discover how you can get involved in interregional cooperation by preparing your own project proposal.
Policy solutions
Explore all the policy solutions our projects and policy experts have identified on the topic of SMART. Read through our policy briefs and good practices. Watch our webinar recordings. Download the conclusions for past workshops and peer reviews.
Good practices
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HelpEmpresa service
Leading service in Catalonia that prevents the closure of SMEs. Based on Early Warning Europe methodology.

Elles Osent en Grand Est
Elles Osent en Grand Est offers 12 young women with diverse projects the opportunity to develop and strengthen their capabilities to boost their activity.

Support program for startup ecosystem activities
Intended for organizations that work with start-ups on a daily basis, it supports almost all the largest start-up and technology events taking place in Riga.

Xtela project
The xtela project has a strategic nature and aims to achieve the quality and innovation's objectives in the science-technology business ecosystem in the region.

IPN Business Accelerator
The Accelerator fosters innovative tech-based firms by improving their internationalization capabilities and increasing their technological intensity.

Local Network of specialised Business Centres
Fomento San Sebastian owns 7 business centers spread throughout the city, as a tool to foster innovative entrepreneurship and local business development.

Destination Management System “Let’s Marche”
The Marche Region promotes thematic networks and consortia of regional tourism operators through the digital portal “Let's Marche”.

Challenges & Competencies
Mobilize local higher education students to provide innovative ideas for the development of local SMEs and to support mutual knowledge between students & SMEs

Geo-Infrastructure platform of Prešov region
The Geo-Infrastructure Platform of the Prešov Region aims to centralize spatial data for effective exchange among institutions and the public.

South Savo Food Cluster
South Savo Food Cluster aims to increase the competence, networking and internationalisation of the food sector and to create conditions for food innovations.

RuralCat platform
RuralCat is a digital platform, launched in 2003, that provides support for rural development in the agri-food, forestry, and fishing sectors.

Remote lab - a distance working co-creation knowledge hub in Region of Jämtland Härjedalen
The Remote Lab is a global knowledge and development node who stimulates knowledge through collaborations with researchers and by running coworking places.

Regional Development Monitor
The Regional Development Monitor is a national mapping and data visualisation online tool designed to provide an up-to-date evidence base for policy-making.

The Gender Academy
GA offers tools to improve innovation, competence supply, organizational structure and culture for companies in order to become more attractive and competitive.
SMART policy solutions
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Designing an integrated digital strategy in Boiarka City
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the Boiarka City Council on 29 May 2024. The Boiarka City Coucil requested some on advice on the challenge of developing an integrated digital strategy to promote digital literacy among the local population.
Strategic and Participatory Foresight
On Tuesday 21 May, the Policy Learning Platform held a webinar on the topic of Strategic and Participatory Foresight.
Sustainable eco-system for creative industries in Leitrim County Council
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a peer review for the Leitrim County Council, on 02-03 May 2024, in Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland. The peer review sought to give advice on how to provide the best support to local entrepreneurs from the design and film sector.
Open Data: Spotlight on Veneto Region
In the digital age strategies, the importance of open data has increasingly come to the forefront of policymaking, recognising its potential to drive innovation, stimulate economic growth, and increase transparency in governance.
Business incubation: from startup to scaleup
In this policy brief, you'll explore examples from the Interreg Europe community on the diversity of business incubation programmes and recent trends in the area.
Digital transformation of public services
This policy brief provides a general overview of the most relevant initiatives, regulations, and strategies of the European Union, which are shaping Europe’s digital future.
Research valorisation
In this policy brief, you will find policy recommendations to inspire policymakers in designing and delivering effective policies for research valorisation.
Entrepreneurial Universities: Key learnings
On 14 March 2024, the Policy Learning Platform organised a webinar on the topic of Entrepreneurial Universities: spinoffs and technology transfer.
Challenge-driven innovation to promote university-industry collaboration
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a peer review for the Autonomous Region of the Azores, Portugal, held on 30-31 January 2024. The Azores government sought inspiration to promote challenge-driven innovation policies for university-industry collaboration.
Twin transition for SMEs: Key learnings
On 30 January 2024, the Policy Learning Platform organised a webinar on the topic of the twin transition for SMEs.
Cultural and Creative Industries
In this policy brief, you will find policies to promote strategic development of CCIs, to facilitate access to funding, and to foster innovation-friendly infrastructure and environments.
New financial instruments to support development of enterprises in Usti Region
On 14-15 November 2023, the Policy Learning Platform held an on-site peer review for the Innovation Center Ústí nad Labem (ICUK), which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on the set up of financial instruments in support of local entreprises in Usti nad Labem.
Business opportunities from the ‘green economy’ shift
As the (EEA) pointed out, the term “green economy” is not consistently defined as it is still an emerging concept.
Regions as laboratories of policy experimentation: key learnings
On 12 december 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on Regions as laboratories of policy experimentation. Access the recording, presentations and the key learnings here.
Setting up regional funds with the European Investment Fund: key learnings
On 21 November 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on setting up regional funds with the European Investment Fund. Access the recording, presentations and the key learnings here.
Get policy advice
Are you looking for help on a regional policy-making challenge or simply have a question? Make use of our Platform services.
News and events
Explore the latest news and upcoming events on SMART topics.

Bulgarian flavor stole the show on the 3rd SMEOrigin meeting
Samardala, yoghurt and Bulgarian roses fascinated the participants during the 3rd SMEOrigin interregional meeting in the region of Stara Zagora
Ongoing seminar: Incentives and Innovation to Attract Talent
The CODIL Project is currently hosting the third inter-regional thematic seminar focused on "Incentives and Innovation Services to Attract and Retain Talent," in Timișoara, Romania.
San Sebastian: A City of Science and Innovation
The Department of Local Economy and Employment, through Fomento de San Sebastián, has presented the Innovation Plan 2024, which includes a new management model to answer to the city's future challenges.
Enhancing Healthcare Coordination with Open Data
At the “Filière Santé Numérique” conference, we highlighted how our Open Data dashboard helps map and recruit local healthcare professionals. We're expanding this solution with support from the National Health Agency (ARS).
On June the 06th 2024, Marche Region hosted the second meeting of stakeholders related to CROWDFUNDMATCH project.
OD4GROWTH project job vacancies open
OD4GROWTH project is looking for a project manager officer and a project communication officer in Seville (Spain).
Digital Transformation of Public Sector Services
Policymakers meet to exchange ideas about the use of new technologies in their work and interactions with the public
Launching "KnowledgeAnalytics": Kick-Off Event in Vilnius
The kick-off meeting for "KnowledgeAnalytics," formally titled "Advanced Analytics for Knowledge Transfer Monitoring and Evaluation," took place over two days in Vilnius and included study visits to the Vilnius University Faculty of Physics.
DEBUTING to meet next week in Gdańsk
Next week it will be time for our 6th interregional DEBUTING meeting, this time hosted in Gdańsk by our partner Pomorskie Voivodeship.
Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Västerbotten
ENAIBLER participated in stakeholder meeting with other Interreg Europe projects in Lycksele, Sweden.
Skellefteå Municipality's Responsible Digitalization group
Skellefteå Municipality, a partner in the Interreg Europe funded ENAIBLER project, is taking a proactive approach to et
TAAS KoM and 1st TAAS study visit in Rhodes took place!
TAAS project officially commenced with a KoM and back-to-back study visit in the beautiful island of Rhodes, GR, on May 28-29, 2024. Hosted by the Region of South Aegean, partners shared innovative practices for enhancing tourism experience.
Vilnius Study Visit and IPeR on May 14 and 15th
On May 14th and 15th, PROACTsme has travelled all the way to Vilnius, Lithuania, to carry out an IPeR and a Study Visit.
ASTP Chief Executive Inducts on VIADUCT
ASTP Chief Executive, Laura MacDonald, showcased the VIADUCT project at ASTP Annual Conference 2024. The event, which took place in Seville, Spain, hosted 400 KT professionals from 36 countries.
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