Renewable energy sources for school
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Approved projects financed by our programme
Good practices, expert support reports, policy briefs, stories, event learnings
Forum boosts cooperation among private housing associations by inviting board members to share experiences and know-how to implement energy efficiency measures.
The construction of two twin buildings, serving as demonstrators, has allowed the improvement of the construction system for new social housing in Extremadura.
EnerSIG is a web application hosted by geodata services of Paris. It allows to cross data about buildings characteristics and energy efficiency.
Institutions, businesses and regional authorities ready to share and cooperate
People ready to share innovative solutions and connect with other members
News about recent activities of the programme, Policy Learning Platform and approved projects
Useful documents, files, folders
Presentation of Luminita Mihailov from REBUS project during thematic workshop on low-carbon economy at Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Overview presentation of low-carbon economy results in Interreg Europe 2014-2020 by Verena Priem during Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Overview presentation of low-carbon economy results in Interreg Europe 2014-2020 by Verena Priem during Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Presentation of low-carbon thematic workshop and policy learning tips by Simon Hunkin and Katharina Krell during Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Presentation by Rachel Tully of CISMOB project during thematic workshop on low-carbon economy at Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Presentation of Luminita Mihailov from REBUS project during thematic workshop on low-carbon economy at Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.
Presentation of Suada Mustajbegovic from FIRESPOL project during thematic workshop on low-carbon economy at Europe, let's cooperate 2021 on 24 November.