Look for funding
We fund projects that bring together policy organisations from across Europe. For four years, they learn from each other and work together on a shared policy issue. The lessons they learn lead to the improvement of regional policies and a more sustainable economic, social and environmental impact on the ground for the people and the places they serve.
Prepare your project idea
We recommend you take the time to develop your project idea before you apply for funding. Use these tools and make sure your project idea is relevant to our programme.

Find partners
Look for relevant people and organisations working on similar issues to yours and create your project partnership.
Get help and support
We have people who can help you develop your project proposal. Get in touch with them to ask your questions.
Prepare your application
You’ve successfully developed your project idea, checked that it is relevant to our programme, and formed your project partnership. Now it’s time to apply for the call.
Access the different documents you need below.
Discover our past calls
Find out more about our past calls for project proposals. See what dates the calls were open, what topics we focused on and which regions we targeted.
The first call was open from 5 April to 31 May 2022. Applicants from the 27 EU member states, Norway and Switzerland could apply for a project proposal in all our six topics.
Have a look at the first statistics from the call. Applicants received feedback in December. Discover the results the first call of the 2021-2027 programme.
The second call was open from 15 March to 9 June 2023. Applicants from the 27 EU member states, Norway and Switzerland could apply for a project proposal in all our six topics.
Have a look at the first statistics from the call. Applicants received feedback in December. Discover the results the second call of the 2021-2027 programme.
Applicant news and events

GECOTTI-PE is tendering for the rental of premises (Lille) and associated services (relaunched)
The GECOTTI-PE has relaunched a call for tenders to select a provider for the rental of premises and associated services for the organisation of Interreg Europe events in Lille.
Third call figures
The third call is closed and we are busy assessing the submitted project proposals. Have a look at some key figures about the third call for project proposals.
Explore our new online help centre
We’ve launched a new section on our website. It holds answers to the most frequently asked questions, our tutorial videos, and important documents you’ll need.
20 years together in Interreg Europe
Ten Interreg Europe Partner States have celebrated their 20th anniversary in the EU this month. Find out how they have been involved in interregional cooperation.
Last tips before submitting your project application
The end of the third call is coming fast. Have a look at our final tips for preparing your project application and take advantage of our support tools and events. What are you waiting for? Get started.
European Sustainable Energy Week 2024
In 2024, EUSEW will take place in a hybrid format, online and onsite in Brussels, on 11-13 June. The theme of the event is ‘Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe’fdd4.png)
GECOTTI-PE is tendering for the rental of premises (Lille) and associated services
The GECOTTI-PE has launched a call for tenders to select a provider for the rental of premises and associated services for the organisation of Interreg Europe events in Lille.
Info event about Interreg Europe open calls for Albania
An online information event about Interreg Europe's open call for project proposals and the restricted call on 16 May 2024 from 10:30 to 12:00 CEST (Tirana time).
Three Interreg Europe projects nominated for RegioStars Awards 2024
Three Interreg Europe projects will be competing for a spot in the finals at the RegioStars Awards in the 2024 edition: CRAFTS CODE, MATCH-UP, and ThreeT.
Meet up with the Policy Learning Platform
We're brining together our Platform team and our projects for an online meet-up. Discover what it is all about, how project partners can benefit, and how to engage by contributing to its activities.
We are recruiting a Project Finance Officer
We are looking for a temporary Project Finance Officer (maternity cover) to join us in Lille, France. Apply by 2 June 2024 at noon.
Recordings of the second call project web admins webinar
On 23 April, we organised a webinar for web admins of Interreg Europe project websites from our second call. During the webinar, we saw how to edit your project website and took participants through the key features and functionalities.f6a9.jpg)
Recordings of the third call applicant webinar week
Watch the recordings of the lead applicant webinar week for third call projects. Get support with your project application.
Online info event for beneficiaries in Hungary
An online information event on 23 April 2024 at 10:00 about Interreg Europe's third call for project proposals for beneficiaries in Hungary.