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Digital transformation of public sector services

05 Jun 2024
Clock 08 : 30 - 20 : 30 CEST
Location In person
By Platform
User with his smartphone in hand

The Policy Learning Platform will head to Lithuanian capital Vilnius on 5 June 2024. Thematic experts will welcome participants for a workshop on the digital transformation of public sector services

This workshop is co-organised and co-hosted by Interreg Europe and the European Commission, thanks to the connections and exchanges made between DG DIGIT and the Joint Research Centre .

The digital transformation of public authorities is an important step towards delivering more citizen-centred and user-oriented public services. In November 2022, the Commission proposed the Interoperable Europe Act, aiming to enhance interoperability within the public sector. Interoperability empowers administrations to collaborate, ensuring that public services operate seamlessly across territorial, sectoral, and organisational boundaries.

The private sector plays an important role in the digital transformation, more specifically, “GovTech” covers all the technological solutions that are transforming public services.

What to expect 

The first part of the workshop is dedicated to plenary sessions around the two chosen macro-topics: interoperability and GovTech.

In the afternoon, participants will dive into focus groups around concrete solutions and initiatives to further explore the topics and discuss with peers.

This workshop will capitalise on the policy brief on digital transformation of public services as well as on previous webinars such as 'AI for local authorities and decision-making', 'GovTech and the Digitalisation of the Public Sector', 'Pre-commercial public procurement'.

The registration is now closed.