Project summary
Project overall objective is to improve regional development policy instruments, with mainstreaming the combination of private resources, collected through digital crowdfunding campaigns, with ESIF funds.
- Policy learning and exchange of experiences for successful matching of crowdfunding and ESIF funds.
- Raising knowledge about crowdfunding and fund matching, through exchange of existing good practices and through implementation of pilot projects, creating new good practices.
- Improving digital literacy of public, private institutions and people, related to utilizing crowdfunding for business and regional development.
- PARTNERS’ REGIONAL STAKEHOLDER TEAMS SET-UP - with the goal to identify, test and assess the regional potentials of fund-matching.
- CROWDFUNDING MARKET READINESS ANALYSIS-information about region’s market readiness for combination of crowdfunding and ESIF funds.
- PILOT TESTING of FUND MATCHING examples in five more advanced partner regions.
- PEER-to-PEER mentoring in the field of fund-matching of less advanced partner regions.
- DEVELOPMENT of COMMON FUND-MATCHING SCHEME METHODOLOGY- project will develop a common methodology, which will be tested through five pilot projects and through transnational peer to peer mentoring between partner regions.
- IMPROVEMENT of POLICY INSTRUMENTS focusing on matching crowdfunding with ESIF funds.
- TRANSNATIONAL POLICY EXPERIENCE SHARING -Information, knowledge, and experience will be shared on seven transnational and final project events, among project partners and relevant regional stakeholders, working in the field of crowdfunding and management of policy instruments.
Check out our first project video!
It presents our project's challenge, goals and planned actions. Stay tuned!
A few numbers
1,876,520 € budget
01 Mar 2023-31 May 2027
9 partners