Project summary
ClimateGO supports regions and cities in developing better policies for climate-smart and resilient governance. Its main goal is to enhance the capabilities of administrative bodies and policymakers to create effective climate-smart and resilient policies, as well as to improve their ability to implement these policies successfully. Through promoting comprehension and awareness, ClimateGO aims to ensure proactive decision-making where mitigation and adaptation measures support each other.
ClimateGO brings together seven partners from six European cities and regions with expertise and desire to change policies to support climate resilience in governance according to EU goals. The project partnership includes different levels of climate governance development and a mix of policy instruments that allows sharing and learning. The project also develops regional cooperation among stakeholders.
As a result of ClimateGO the partners and their stakeholders will be better equipped to develop and implement effective climate policies, and adaptation to climate change measures.
The project activities involve two main aspects: the collaborative development of policies and the analysis of regional policy landscapes to identify good practices in climate-smart governance.
Regional and interregional cooperation is facilitated through various interactive methods, including meetings, discussions, site visits, and online thematic workshops. The identified good practices in climate-smart governance encompass both policy-level strategies and practical solutions. These successful approaches will be thoroughly documented and disseminated for wider EU use.